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Much of muscle and nerve pain stems from various conditions; strain, lactic acid build up, or scar tissue.

By stimulating the nerves, work and exercising the muscle through light impulse therapy, the body has a much better recovery time from injury and delivers blood flow enhancement to the area. Repeating this process will effectively reduce injury time. 


The Acu-roller is a great way to treat more than one area at a time. With its unique non-stick roller design, the Acu-roller is free to move around, treating larger or different areas consecutively. Can also be used on the face. 

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The Acu-pen is designed for treatment using the fundamental principals of accupressue. It can be considered a non painful alternative to acupuncture. 

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The Acu-flex pad is a non-adhesive version of the gel pads. It is an excellent component to use on small or sensitive areas. 

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The Acu-slippers are designed to help relieve pain in your feet. It is also great for improving blood circulation to your feet, ankle and calf areas.

The Acu-slippers can also be excellent for helping people with diabetes who have poor circulation in their feet.  

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